
In Class PicBMP

   1 ' PicInfo bitmap file information class
   2 ' ©2006 Aivosto Oy (www.aivosto.com)
   3 '
   4 ' This file is part of a sample project for Project Analyzer.
   5 ' Distribution of this file is only allowed along with Project Analyzer
   6 ' according to the Project Analyzer license terms.
   8 Option Explicit
  10 Implements IPicInfo
  12 Private Enum EBMPType
  13     bmpUnknown
  14     bmpInfoHeader
  15     bmpCoreHeader
  16 End Enum
  17 Private BMPType As EBMPType
  20         bfType As Integer       ' Specifies the file type, must be BM.

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPFILEHEADER.bfSize - 0 reads, 1 write
  21         bfSize As Long          ' Specifies the size, in bytes, of the bitmap file.
  22         bfReserved1 As Integer  ' Reserved; must be zero.
  23         bfReserved2 As Integer  ' Reserved; must be zero.

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPFILEHEADER.bfOffBits - 0 reads, 1 write
  24         bfOffBits As Long       ' Specifies the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure to the bitmap bits.

   • Too many uncommented lines: 27
  25 End Type

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biSize - 0 reads, 1 write
  27         biSize As Long
  28         biWidth As Long
  29         biHeight As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biPlanes - 0 reads, 1 write
  30         biPlanes As Integer
  31         biBitCount As Integer
  32         biCompression As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biSizeImage - 0 reads, 1 write
  33         biSizeImage As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biXPelsPerMeter - 0 reads, 1 write
  34         biXPelsPerMeter As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biYPelsPerMeter - 0 reads, 1 write
  35         biYPelsPerMeter As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrUsed - 0 reads, 1 write
  36         biClrUsed As Long

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPINFOHEADER.biClrImportant - 0 reads, 1 write
  37         biClrImportant As Long
  38 End Type

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPCOREHEADER.bcSize - 0 reads, 1 write
  40         bcSize As Long
  41         bcWidth As Integer
  42         bcHeight As Integer

   ! Type field written, not read: BITMAPCOREHEADER.bcPlanes - 0 reads, 1 write
  43         bcPlanes As Integer
  44         bcBitCount As Integer
  45 End Type
  46 Private InfoHeader As BITMAPINFOHEADER
  47 Private CoreHeader As BITMAPCOREHEADER

   ! Dead constant: BI_RGB
  49 Private Const BI_RGB = 0&
  50 Private Const BI_RLE4 = 2&
  51 Private Const BI_RLE8 = 1&

   ! Dead constant: BI_bitfields
  52 Private Const BI_bitfields = 3&
  54 ' IsRLE indicates whether the bitmap is RLE compressed (True) or not (False)
  55 ' This variable is written but not read
  56 ' It might well be removed without affecting the functionality of the program

   ! Variable written, not read: IsRLE - 0 reads, 2 writes
  57 Private IsRLE As Boolean
  59 ' Filename used in the previous call to ReadFile

   ! Variable read, not written: StoredFilename - 1 read, 0 writes
  60 Private StoredFilename As String