Object-oriented metrics

Object-oriented metrics describe aspects of object-oriented programming. They make no sense in projects that use little or no object-oriented features. Because VB.NET is more object-oriented than VB classic, some metrics may be more useful in the .NET context. Yet object-oriented VB classic projects can benefit from the use of OO metrics.

Object-oriented metrics require the use of classes. In VB classic, a class is a .cls or a .ctl file (class and usercontrol). In VB.NET, a class is defined by a Class block. VB.NET Structures and Interfaces are not regarded to as classes, whereas abstract classes are.

OO metrics

Chidamber & Kemerer OO metrics suite
This is a practical suite of several metrics for each class.

Cohesion metrics
Cohesion metrics measure how well the methods of a class are related to each other.

MOOD/MOOD2 metrics
This is an OO suite of ten key values for the entire class hierarchy.

Miscellaneous object-oriented metrics
Simple and advanced OO metrics not described in other topics.

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