
Declared in Class PicGIF

  27 Private Type TLogicalScreenDescriptor
  28     Width As Integer             ' uint - Width, in pixels
  29     Height As Integer            ' uint - Height, in pixels
  30     Packed As Byte               ' Byte packed with color information

   ! Type field written, not read: TLogicalScreenDescriptor.BackgroundColorIndex - 0 reads, 1 write
  31     BackgroundColorIndex As Byte ' Background Color index to Global Color Table

   ! Type field written, not read: TLogicalScreenDescriptor.PixelAspectRatio - 0 reads, 1 write
  32     PixelAspectRatio As Byte     ' Approximation of aspect ratio of pixel in the original image
  33 End Type


Data: (declarations), line 34, Class PicGIF