Visustin – Command line syntax

visustin ["filename.ext"] [/Lang] [/DRAW|/BIRDSEYE|/PREVIEW|/PRINT|/PRINTTO "printer"|/?]

"filename.ext"File to open in Visustin. Unless a full path is given, the path is relative to the current working directory. The following files are supported:
  • Source code file: Load code.
  • Image file: Load image and display it.
  • .flw file: Load flow chart to Editor.
  • .vjb file: Run a bulk flowcharting job and quit.
/LangLanguage of source code file. See table below. /Lang is optional, but highly recommended. If /Lang is omitted, Visustin attempts to auto-detect the language.
/DRAWAfter opening a source file, draw a flow chart.
/BIRDSEYEAfter opening a source file, draw a birdseye flow chart.
/PREVIEWOpen a file and bring up the Print Preview dialog. Visustin will stay running when the dialog closes.
/PRINTOpen a file and bring up the Print Preview dialog. Visustin will close when the dialog closes. This switch is provided mainly for quick printing of image and Editor files.
/PRINTTO "printer"The same as /PRINT, but the printer named "printer" will be used. This switch is provided mainly for dragging image and Editor files onto a printer icon (Windows shell verb printto).
/?Display command line syntax and file extension rules. Also available through the Command line syntax command in the Help menu.

If a source code file is passed as a parameter with none of /DRAW, /BIRDSEYE, /PREVIEW, /PRINT or /PRINTTO, the file is opened but no flow chart is drawn.

Sample command lines

Flowchart a C++ source file.
visustin.exe "myfile.cpp" /DRAW
visustin.exe "myfile.cpp" /C /DRAW
View a COBOL fixed-mode source file in birdseye mode.
visustin.exe "myfile.cob" /COBFIX /BIRDSEYE
Flowchart a VB source file for print preview.
visustin.exe "myfile.frm" /VB /PREVIEW
View a .gif image.
visustin.exe "mypic.gif"
Print a .gif image, then quit.
visustin.exe "mypic.gif" /PRINT
Print a .gif image on printer HP LaserJet 5L, then quit.
visustin.exe "mypic.gif" /PRINTTO "HP LaserJet 5L"
Run a bulk flowcharting job, then quit.
visustin.exe "myjob.vjb"

Language switches

SwitchLanguage modeAlternative switch
/BASHShell (bash)
/BATBatch file
/CC/C++/CPP, /C++
/COBFIXCOBOL (fixed, columns 7-72)
/COBFREECOBOL (free format)
/COBVARCOBOL (variable, columns 7-)
/CSHShell (csh,tcsh)
/FORFIXFortran (fixed, columns 7-72)
/FORFREEFortran (free format)
/FOXPROVisual FoxPro
/JSPJavaServer Pages
/KSHShell (ksh)
/PWRSCPowerScript (PowerBuilder)/POWERSCRIPT
/SHShell (sh)
/VBVisual Basic, VBA/VB6, /VBA
/VB.NETVisual Basic .NET

The switches in the leftmost column are what Visustin uses. Use of the alternative switches is discouraged.

The following switches are deprecated: /COBOLFIXED, /COBOLFREE, /COBOLVARIABLE, /FORTRANFREE, /FORTRANFIXED, /JAVASCRIPT and /ASP. These switches have been used in Visustin versions prior to 7. They are candidates for removal in future versions and their use is discouraged. /ASP can be replaced by /VBS.

Language auto-detection

/Lang is an optional but highly recommended switch. If /Lang is omitted, Visustin attempts to auto-detect the language of the source code file. It is not always possible, though. Auto-detection is attempted as follows:

1. Detect language by file extension. If file extension clearly tells the language, select that language. If several languages use the same extension, auto-detection fails. To fix, set the desired language as your favorite language (in the Languages menu). Favorite languages are given priority in auto-detection.

2. Detect by Unix #! operator. If the code starts with the Unix #! operator, the language is set as per this setting. This rule only works with certain Unix scripts. Example: Load #!/bin/sh files as Bourne shell code and #!/bin/csh files as C-shell code.

3. If auto-detection fails, default to previously selected language.

You can test auto-detection by dragging a file from Windows and dropping it to the language dropdown list of the main screen of Visustin.

Current file extension rules and switches can be viewed by choosing Command line syntax in the Help menu. A dash (-) next to an extension means auto-detection is not working for this file extension. Attempt selecting the language as a favorite in the Language menu. An asterisk (*) marks extensions affected by your favorite language settings.

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