Visustin – Export to Visio

Visio export requires Visustin Pro Edition.

Reverse engineer your existing code to Visio flow diagrams automatically. Visustin Pro Edition exports flow charts to Microsoft Visio 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. You can edit the diagrams in Visio and use in your documentation. For the export you will need Visio installed on the same machine as Visustin.

Sample Visio flow diagrams

Visustin and Visio diagrams have a layout that is roughly similar. Some shapes look different, and the links (connectors) work differently. Below you can see some samples.

Click the pictures to zoom in

Visustin and Visio flow charts compared
Visustin original Visio version
Visustin original flow chart sample Visio flow chart sample
Visustin original Visio version
Visustin original flow chart sample Visio flow chart sample
Visustin original Visio version
Visustin original flow chart sample Visio flow chart sample

Click the pictures to zoom in

See Online samples for more Visustin/Visio flow chart pairs.

Export instructions

Method 1: Export. In Visustin, select Export to Visio in the File menu. You can also press Ctrl+E. Visustin runs Visio, opens a new diagram and adds the chart shapes to it.

Method 2: Save. Use the Save As command in the File menu to save directly to a Visio file. You can also press Ctrl+S. Select Visio drawing as the file type. You have two file formats to choose from: The VSD format is compatible with all supported Visio versions. The VSDX format is newer, available starting with Visio 2013. Visustin runs Visio the same way as with the Export method. When the export process is ready, Visio saves the diagram into the file you specified.

Method 3: Bulk export. Visio export also works in the Bulk flowchart feature. Use the Bulk flowchart command in the File menu. You can also press Ctrl+B. Bulk export can save diagrams in both VSD and VSDX formats.

Demo version export test. The demo version of Visustin has a very limited export capability. It allows you to verify that the export works. Select Export to Visio in the File menu to make sure the export works on your PC.

Working with Visio flow diagrams

Visustin controls the position of the diagram shapes. Visio routes the connectors the way it sees best. This is why the Visio version will differ from the one you see in Visustin. In a complex graph the connectors are likely to overlap. If this happens, adjust the shapes and connectors. You can also try the Lay Out Shapes command in Visio. Experiment with different settings. Large charts will need to be split on multiple pages or alternatively adjusted to fit on one page. If your chart exceeds page boundaries, you can adjust the page size in Visio's Page Setup dialog box.

Note that you cannot load Visio files back to Visustin.

Customizing Visio flow diagrams

You can customize the import template to match your preferred flow charting style. Simply edit the file called visus8.vst. You can find it in your Visustin directory.

Future versions of Visustin may update the .vst file, so be prepared to configure the file again when updating your copy of Visustin.

Supported Visio file formats

Visustin supports the following Visio file formats in the Save As dialog in the File menu:

Bulk flowcharting supports VSD and VSDX, but not VDX.

Visustin Editor

Visustin Editor is an alternative to Visio. With the Editor you edit Visustin flow charts exactly the way they appear in Visustin. Designed especially for flow charts, Visustin Editor is an ideal way to adjust, comment or modify even complex flow charts. Compared to Visustin Editor, Visio diagrams have a different layout, the most apparent difference being the links. Depending on your preferences, you might find Visustin Editor best suited for Visustin charts.

Note: You cannot export flow charts from Editor to Visio.

Export is disabled in the demo version.

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